07 January 2015

Square Pegs in Round Holes: The Lost Town

In September, Rwah opened the beautiful sim Square Pegs in Round Holes (about which I wrote here), and, after a short while and a cataclysmic auto-return accident (though not without a rebuild) it closed its doors in mid-December. But it wasn't to stay closed for long, as Rwah invited her friend Jordy B. Zipdash to develop a theme of his own on the sim, and The Lost Town was born. It's defined by a long, lonely road that stretches away as far as the eye can see, a few tumbleweeds drifting here and there, with the buildings of the town lining its two sides. It's possible to enter most of the structures, and you'll encounter some more scenes as the road turns a corner and disappears into a tunnel, just as it began. Hidden in the center is a dilapidated farmhouse on an small island.

And something else will follow The Lost Town. "The aim is to bring new designs often," Rwah explained to me. "Square Pegs will be open for builders who have a serious ambition to build a sim," although she stressed that she would clearly need to be sold on an idea before embarking on anything new. So enjoy Jordy's delightful work while you have the chance — and if you're a photographer you might consider entering a competition that runs until the end of January.

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